Tomorrow, we'll begin a new school year. As I had mentioned in an earlier post, we will take the next several months to focus on The Chronicles of Narnia and use these books as a jumping off point for other literature, history, theology and philosophy. We will begin with, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, while also focusing on Norse myths, The Gospel of Luke, the Blitz and Aesop's Fables. If you've read LWW, you'll see how these fit in.
I'll post more of what we're reading and of our discoveries as we progress.
Emma will continue to study Latin, math, Greek, writing, art, logic, classical astronomy, and ballet.
Olivia will study English, nature studies, math, Latin, basic astronomy, art, piano, and horseback riding.
In all of this, setting before us, the good, the true and the beautiful in order to cultivate wisdom and virtue.